Open the folder you want to get a content listing of and hit Command+A (Select All) followed by Command+C (Copy) Now launch TextEdit and pull down the “Edit” menu and select “Paste and Match Style”, or hit Command+Option+Shift+V. Simply combine the chmod command with the appropriate file list filter, such as: chmod go+wx *txt This enables write and execute permissions for Groups and Others to all text files in the current directory. Creating such a list, however, takes time. A file can only be in one folder at a time-but it could have an unlimited number of tags. By default, it opens with the application that is assigned to work with its file type so, if you have Microsoft Office on your Mac, a.
Then if you want more information, try this: mac:wordpress username$ ls -la *> file-list-full. txt' from the commandline, we now have a more convenient way to get your directory listings into text format.
txt one directory above the directory I am listing. Mac directory list to text file JR Directory Printer.